
No surprise here! I think Derid would be an excellent HC and he has definitely been our DF guy thus far =)

/agree with Garal

He's been an obvious choice for a long time. My only reservation is that many months ago I asked him if he'd want to be it and he was unsure about it. The Desire to lead is part of what makes a leader great, so my only question of him is, was he unsure because even though he had the desire to lead he couldn't say so far in advance if he'd have the RL time? or was he unsure because he just didn't really care much for the job?

As long as he desires it, I know he'd make a great choice, and hell, it's beta... we can even think of beta as a time to test him as the HC which is how our new constitution is set up anyhow with regular elections happening for the HC spot.

"It's not enough to win... others have to lose."
-Stephen Colbert 'Colbert Report'
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