
I want to get this going before beta starts as I need to start working on the UGC / PGC idea. If we can collect some like minded veteran organizations, I really feel we could be a force in DF.

Jet, try to get in contact with Deyth of Combine, http://www.the-combine.com/vbulletin . Months back I proposed to our senate joining the private group he runs on his website which is comprised of all the top guilds, according to him, I haven't seen a user list for it yet. He is happy to give us an invite to his group.

Yeah yeah, I know, before anyone replies with, "Oh he'll invite US to HIS group, oh how honoured we are!" I dont see it like this though, he's already done some of the footwork of bringing established/known MMO guilds together so why not make use of this? Like I requested months ago, lets get a representative in there so that we at least know what server the big boys will be on. One of the largest challenges for me as HC back in WoW was picking which server. After a shit load of personal emails and message board trolling I picked Archimonde because as you saw, it was and will always be known as the server that had the real PvP guilds on it. But the coordination process can be made much easier if we join multi-guild groups like this one for discussion purposes.

"It's not enough to win... others have to lose."
-Stephen Colbert 'Colbert Report'
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