Originally Posted By: Instrument
I will white knight them just on customer service alone

first time I got an email response back with the answer in 5 mins


second time less than 60 seconds took me 4 mins to see the email and say thanks

Back in the December 2013 time frame when they moved from kickstarter to there own online store it was the biggest single complaint/suggestion. If customers were going to pre-fund this title, than the customer support for the store had better be A+ or else there would be no confidence in a product that didn't and still doesn't exist.

Its one of the very few things that CR and Ben fully listened too and fully implemented after they saw the first wave or results and frustration. After you get a couple thousand tickets that say "Trying to throw money at your store but its broke.." you get the real time message...

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!