Originally Posted By: Instrument
the organization system will be out before the DFM or before then end of this month according to WM
A Alpha of the system is already being tested by chosen players

so we need to get this all sorted in 2 weeks :)

CIG is quickly going down the Immersion Monkey/Carebear path and the above statement has already caused a lot of gnashing of teeth between the small group of bitch ass WoW Lollipop Forest Dev's that don't want the hardcore PvP Clans to have any influence.

Essentially my expectations for this title are diminishing for a PvP quasi Sandbox and quickly turning into expecting to see true open PvP reduced to outland systems and the Arena.

Fucking carebears. I wish I could round them all up, put them of an Ark, and light that son of a bitch of fire.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!