Originally Posted By: JetStar
We are discussing when I return. Obviously this game will require an incredibly active and effective GSS.

Yes and No. The only real assets to loose in the Open Verse are ships, cargo and mods. There shouldn't be any or very little of "Player Controlled" hard assets akin to a City in a traditional MMO. That being said, passive intel gathering will be at a premium for Player hunter organizations looking to raid your people. This is where your specific system location and "hunting grounds" come into play for both commerce and PvE activity.

Right now persistent assets that can't be "put away" are limited to Ships to large to land on or unable to land on a planet. There is talk of sprinkling in some small outpost style space ports to be fought over, but who knows yet what live release will hold.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!