Originally Posted By: Kaotic
He's not suggesting that you dictate, merely that you act, and by acting prove that others should be following you, and then they will come to you. Its more like "if you build it they will come" than "everyone do as I say because I'm the leader!"

if we could get the alliance to come to our server
that would be great but i did not consider it to be the huge step back others did.
im not sure exactly how to go about that and it is truely better to have alliance in one voice ops
i fully intend to use vent with mumble in the background atm when not in alliance activities just for the global shouts ect pretty sure it wont be a big loss on pc power.. seems a small thing

if we could get a alliance to move to our vent there would be most likely more non kgb in it than kgb and our vent would grow full very fast and if we got our own mumble and moved to that for dfo we will still have a vent and a mumble defeating the purpose of not wanting 2 voice ops.
generally speaking mine would be to reopen our mumble get rid of ventrillo its old costly and limited compared to mumble and attempt to offer our mumble to the alliance as well if its so important...but i think they have been running theirs for a bit and prob see no reason to change.and we would be rocking the boat so to speak for a trivial reason(which kgb did in dfo more often than not)