Thanks for making my point for me - different people are different. Also, it is not "food with too much protein" it is "too much total protein intake". Which is easier to achieve with meat, but by the same token it is also easier to get your required protein with meat.
You're welcome, so you have accepted that meat is a powerful carcinogenic and can lead to cancer and other diseases as the same tobacco and asbestos and that is why they should be regulated, I cannot you see the government subsiding tobacco or not regulating it.


Honestly, at your age... if it took you three whole months to adapt to your new diet, you should seriously check yourself for nutritional deficencies. Humans can adapt to and survive under extremely poor conditions.... but if it took you that long to adapt, being a young person, you are quite possibly starving yourself and harming your health. Also, I do not like excessive salt personally... I prefer no salt on most everything.

Meat and specially dairy are addictions, Dr Bernard has explained in an article that cheese is addictive because it contains small amounts of morphine(do you know how much morphine is addictive) from cows' liver, so no wonder why people put cheese on everything. Did you wonder why babies calm down after they are breast feed or drink milk, one of the reasons is the morphine effect. Like you said before that didn't feel “well” this is just one of the reasons about not feeling well, but once you take out the addictive food(Cheese) your system begun to get to normal and not to craving from that addiction like it was tobacco. Rest assured I'm very fine and I take blood tests to check any deficiency, and is everything OK, everything from the vitamins to minerals they come from the ground and plants absorb that, there is no vitamin or mineral that you cannot find in plants. My health is better than 10 years ago.. I run 3 times a week and I feel very good.

Huh? I already pointed out to you that most staples of even a vegan diet are cooked. You keep talking like cooking is something unique to meat... also many people love their meat rare - the reason it is cooked is for hygeine (and the same with many veggies )not taste. Perhaps lack of protein is having a negative effect on your memory? =)

I can eat several fruits and vegetables raw, as the most our of ancestors did, so read again that doctor article from Texas, to know what its is about. My memory is better than 15 years ago when I was 20.. I'm one of the best of my class in Law College, perhaps is because there is no any clog caused by animal fat in my brain veins =)

Also, humans digestion has evolved in places much more recently than 100k years. Ability to tolerate lactose for example is thought to have evolved around 10k years ago in northern Europe. Yes, around 10k years ago my ancestors evolved the ability to get health benefits from cow milk. Not that I particularly care for it, but I do rather enjoy cheese.

If they evolved please show me how the new digestive system of you and them are, because that doctor from Texas and so many others do not think so. Again and again and again.. tolerate something is different from = is health to you. You can feed dead fish to horse, that doesn't mean that the horse will thrive on it.. About cheese,is just a powerful version of milk without all water content.. is fat and casein(protein from milk) all concentrated.

Last edited by Mithus; 07/23/12 02:27 PM.

Animal Ethics: "I tremble for my species when I reflect that god is just." Thomas Jefferson.
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