Let me address all of your concerns as to why there are multiple vents.

1) The Jonus Vent is not KGB owned, but owned by a member who is kind enough to share with his friends. Because of this, we are unable to use it for Alliance faction teaming or other situations that would take it over 100 members.

2) Because the Jonus vent is not KGB owned, We are unable to secure it when needed when playing games that require it. Non-KGB members have administration abilities.

3) Certain members are not welcome in Jonus vent, and rightfully so as it is not KGB owned.

4) KGB has to be in control of it's critical assets, and the Jonus vent is more of a tight group of friends than it is KGB vent. Many of the regulars are not members, and many members over there dont take part in the KGB Oracle or other official KGB factions. It would be unfair to ask Jonus to limit access, change the security model, or make any changes when it belongs to him.

4) JetStar Hate. For many complex reasons, there are lots of folks in Jonus vent that don't like me personally, and despite extending the olive branch several times, continue to not want to be in my presence.

I opened our vent to anyone that wanted to come last year with the following post:

Originally Posted By: JetStar in 06/11
As a first step to getting people able to use a single vent server (Not mandated, but available), I wanted to grant Administrator access to all KGB Senators. If you dont have an account, talk to someone that does or send me a PM. Here are the guidelines we discussed:

1) You can add anyone you feel comfortable with. KGB Citizenship is not required.
2) You take personal responsibility for those you add to the vent server (This is tracked via the creator of the member).
3) You may NOT remove anyone that you did not add without approval from the person you added, or from a Federal Officer.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Currently the DFO alliance is using our Mumble server (Murmur) and we have more than 60 on nightly. Our official KGB vent is mostly idle.

My only rule is that official KGB factions and states use KGB owned resources. Unofficial factions are welcome to do whatever they want.

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from oracle.the-kgb.com]
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