I will be recruiting freelancers, they may wear the tag but will not be full knights, their play will determine whether we ask or encourage them to join KGB in full. This means our ranks can swell and we will not have to wait for the long due process that is the KGB recruiting tree of woe. To prove my point I will take anyone;

Originally Posted By: Valen
So, I don't think we were ever in the guild at the same time, which makes you one of the perfect people to ask this:

I spent the majority of my late teens and early twenties heavily active in the guild.
I don't need to tell you how idiotic people are during those years of their life.

In short, I was a dumbass - said a lot of stupid things, did a lot of stupid things, yet people were still friends with me, and I found (digital) success within KGB. Around six or seven years ago I went through a bit of a rough spot, apparently thought it was a great idea to lash out against those that had been my friends growing up and used Rom's forum login to turn the leadership private forums public with the intent of making it viewable to everyone. Following that I talked smack about the guild, and Jet over on a forum run by some ex-KGB.

Years have gone by, and people have left the guild doing far worse things, but I find that for whatever reason I seem to be consistently held as the "ultimate Judas" when it comes to KGB. No one seems to be willing to forgive, or show any understanding that people tend to be stupid, ignorant, and arrogant when they are that young.

What I can't seem to understand is why. Everyone has something in their life they are ashamed of, or regret. Everyone has made mistakes - why am I made out to be such a bad guy? How is it that people I don't know claim to "know my history"? And when they tell me the "horrible things" I've done, frequently they are blown way out of proportion and or completely false.

I dunno man, I guess I was hoping you'd have some insight.

Valen lays out his case, and mind you I have no idea why he chose to approach me, but I replied with the "keep your head up" speech and try and entice him with the quick and easy dark side to winning back his honor.

Originally Posted By: Drakiis
Well I do sympathize for you, I have heard of what went down from those who were there, and to some extent I am not entirely sure how to answer your questions. Most certainly I have committed things equally bad in other guilds as well as some dramas I've started here, but in the end I have more then made up for them by doing and saying positive and supportive things, mind you I've not gone to the extreme that you have with KGB. However I find that if you want something really bad, you might have to strap yourself in for the long haul, be persistent, be positive and supportive, and never give up.

Do you have any future gaming plans? If so my recommendation is to find games KGB is playing in and prove in game by helping KGB how much you desire membership again. Remain at a respectful distance until that one moment presents itself and be there when the need is great. That is how you regain your honor, earn respect, and ultimately become a Knight again. Prove that you have changed, prove your quality and you might just get lucky.

As for the infractions, I cannot say how people would react, the worst that could happen is they say no. In which case I certainly feel for you, KGB has been good to me, and I have repaid them and made amends for any of my drama in the past by drafting new policies as a senator, fulfilling much needed combat roles in various games, introduced new organizational structure, new social agendas, mentoring new recruits, building new gaming factions, and stepping up to lead a new state run faction of my own for Planetside 2 when it launches.

Our policies have changed a bit and I know of a few loopholes for membership, however I will not divulge them as I feel for you a honest approach would be better.

Hang in there and in time things will change for the better.

Well received, Valen explains that he wants legit redemption, is unconcerned with the easy way, and when he can find the time to make a serious effort in a game he will do whatever it takes.

Originally Posted By: Valen
Thank You.

It takes a load off to find someone who understands somewhat. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm ever interested in re-entering the guild, its something I've entertained from time to time - but my pri0 goal is just getting my friends back.

Jet has suggested similar things, in regards to me being an ally to the guild and rebuilding relationships that way. Its something that has been on my to do list for awhile, but real life keeps me very busy.

You're spot on though, loopholes or backdoor ways into membership is neither something I want, nor something that would benefit me at all. If I ever hope to repair my friendships with folks like Rom and Jet time and patience is the only option.

Thanks again Drakiis, you're good people.

I legitimize the Faction system, and try to explain that it's not so much a loophole but a intended policy feature to help Factions grow, but Valen insists that it needs to be truly legitimate, and Jet himself is the only one who can pardon him.

Originally Posted By: Drakiis
I do want to mention something about the loophole, as our new State policy states, a State Faction leader can recruit from within the game, and rank from within the game as he sees fit. KGB now allows for inviting people from within a game to tag up unofficially, and then after playing with us they decide to seek full membership they may go through the normal official channels.

That being said, for my faction my only requirement for recruiting is that they must be playing Planetside 2, be in Vent, and be skilled and knowledgeable in their chosen class.
Originally Posted By: Valen
I'd love to play alongside you guys for sure, but the only way I'll ever have tags over my head again is if Jet extends the offer. Its important, given my history. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.

What all this means is I will recruit these types of people if I can, I am not discriminating for a persons past, only what they do in the here and now and if current KGB have a problem with it I suggest they man (or woman) up and find a way to deal with it. This faction will NEED people, and I will not let petty arguments or past disagreements spoil our chances in PS2

If people such as Valen didn't work out, can't be trusted or are buffoons I will toss their ass so fast their heads will spin.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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