The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Drakiis Freelancers - 02/05/12 04:35 PM
I will be recruiting freelancers, they may wear the tag but will not be full knights, their play will determine whether we ask or encourage them to join KGB in full. This means our ranks can swell and we will not have to wait for the long due process that is the KGB recruiting tree of woe. To prove my point I will take anyone;

Originally Posted By: Valen
So, I don't think we were ever in the guild at the same time, which makes you one of the perfect people to ask this:

I spent the majority of my late teens and early twenties heavily active in the guild.
I don't need to tell you how idiotic people are during those years of their life.

In short, I was a dumbass - said a lot of stupid things, did a lot of stupid things, yet people were still friends with me, and I found (digital) success within KGB. Around six or seven years ago I went through a bit of a rough spot, apparently thought it was a great idea to lash out against those that had been my friends growing up and used Rom's forum login to turn the leadership private forums public with the intent of making it viewable to everyone. Following that I talked smack about the guild, and Jet over on a forum run by some ex-KGB.

Years have gone by, and people have left the guild doing far worse things, but I find that for whatever reason I seem to be consistently held as the "ultimate Judas" when it comes to KGB. No one seems to be willing to forgive, or show any understanding that people tend to be stupid, ignorant, and arrogant when they are that young.

What I can't seem to understand is why. Everyone has something in their life they are ashamed of, or regret. Everyone has made mistakes - why am I made out to be such a bad guy? How is it that people I don't know claim to "know my history"? And when they tell me the "horrible things" I've done, frequently they are blown way out of proportion and or completely false.

I dunno man, I guess I was hoping you'd have some insight.

Valen lays out his case, and mind you I have no idea why he chose to approach me, but I replied with the "keep your head up" speech and try and entice him with the quick and easy dark side to winning back his honor.

Originally Posted By: Drakiis
Well I do sympathize for you, I have heard of what went down from those who were there, and to some extent I am not entirely sure how to answer your questions. Most certainly I have committed things equally bad in other guilds as well as some dramas I've started here, but in the end I have more then made up for them by doing and saying positive and supportive things, mind you I've not gone to the extreme that you have with KGB. However I find that if you want something really bad, you might have to strap yourself in for the long haul, be persistent, be positive and supportive, and never give up.

Do you have any future gaming plans? If so my recommendation is to find games KGB is playing in and prove in game by helping KGB how much you desire membership again. Remain at a respectful distance until that one moment presents itself and be there when the need is great. That is how you regain your honor, earn respect, and ultimately become a Knight again. Prove that you have changed, prove your quality and you might just get lucky.

As for the infractions, I cannot say how people would react, the worst that could happen is they say no. In which case I certainly feel for you, KGB has been good to me, and I have repaid them and made amends for any of my drama in the past by drafting new policies as a senator, fulfilling much needed combat roles in various games, introduced new organizational structure, new social agendas, mentoring new recruits, building new gaming factions, and stepping up to lead a new state run faction of my own for Planetside 2 when it launches.

Our policies have changed a bit and I know of a few loopholes for membership, however I will not divulge them as I feel for you a honest approach would be better.

Hang in there and in time things will change for the better.

Well received, Valen explains that he wants legit redemption, is unconcerned with the easy way, and when he can find the time to make a serious effort in a game he will do whatever it takes.

Originally Posted By: Valen
Thank You.

It takes a load off to find someone who understands somewhat. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm ever interested in re-entering the guild, its something I've entertained from time to time - but my pri0 goal is just getting my friends back.

Jet has suggested similar things, in regards to me being an ally to the guild and rebuilding relationships that way. Its something that has been on my to do list for awhile, but real life keeps me very busy.

You're spot on though, loopholes or backdoor ways into membership is neither something I want, nor something that would benefit me at all. If I ever hope to repair my friendships with folks like Rom and Jet time and patience is the only option.

Thanks again Drakiis, you're good people.

I legitimize the Faction system, and try to explain that it's not so much a loophole but a intended policy feature to help Factions grow, but Valen insists that it needs to be truly legitimate, and Jet himself is the only one who can pardon him.

Originally Posted By: Drakiis
I do want to mention something about the loophole, as our new State policy states, a State Faction leader can recruit from within the game, and rank from within the game as he sees fit. KGB now allows for inviting people from within a game to tag up unofficially, and then after playing with us they decide to seek full membership they may go through the normal official channels.

That being said, for my faction my only requirement for recruiting is that they must be playing Planetside 2, be in Vent, and be skilled and knowledgeable in their chosen class.
Originally Posted By: Valen
I'd love to play alongside you guys for sure, but the only way I'll ever have tags over my head again is if Jet extends the offer. Its important, given my history. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.

What all this means is I will recruit these types of people if I can, I am not discriminating for a persons past, only what they do in the here and now and if current KGB have a problem with it I suggest they man (or woman) up and find a way to deal with it. This faction will NEED people, and I will not let petty arguments or past disagreements spoil our chances in PS2

If people such as Valen didn't work out, can't be trusted or are buffoons I will toss their ass so fast their heads will spin.
Posted By: Tasorin Re: Freelancers - 02/05/12 06:34 PM
It doesn't really matter.

Civilians have no ability to hurt KGB.

The will have limited access to the Oracle.

No access to the "State Faction" clan control in game.

The only area we are exposed in is with Vent and our Reputation in game.

Welcome to the two tier system.

State Faction Civilians.

KGB Knighted Citizens.

For the Glory!
Posted By: Vuldan Re: Freelancers - 02/05/12 09:07 PM
Yah, you can call it so if you wish, but I would tread carefully before you find your state system faction that you worked so hard for in ruins and bleeding on the ground. This would definately be one of the reasons I did not want your system.

I was there for the Valen fiasco, and he was not 12 when he pulled it and it was more than he stated there, I was there when Jedule completely raped everyone in SWG, I was around when Shark and Krullz pulled their shit in DFO. Are you saying you would take them into the fold as it were also? I have a problem with those who can casually fuck over their clan mates.

There are some things that do not get "forgiven". I will stand by that statement against all arguements. The limited access is acceptable, but the reputation hit would be a bit more difficult to stomach.
Posted By: JetStar Re: Freelancers - 02/05/12 09:36 PM
Two points here:

1) He could have made a new identity and joined under false pretenses.

I think he knows he would be eventually found out and even have a worse reputation than he does now (Is that possible?)

2) KGB was his home. I extended assistance to him as I have done to many both personal and game wise. He squandered that and ultimately I think he wants to redeem himself.

I removed the order for permanent exile as announced in this KGB video from 8 years ago:
I told him that if he could convince current KGBers to allow him back, he was welcome. I also stated that I would share my experiences with his character, and my personal feelings. It would then be up to the membership to decide.

I know many people from the early days of KGB feel as Vuldan does, and I would have to include myself inthat category. This is the beauty of the KGB membership system and the faction system. If the HC decides to let him tag, he could, but before he would have any access to KGB resources, or the privileges of citizenship in this organization, he would have to answer for his wrongs, and convince those of us skeptics that he is a different person.
Banshee said, "Change is possible, but not probable".
Posted By: JetStar Re: Freelancers - 02/05/12 09:39 PM
Oh by the way, if you view the old video, many KGBers took him up on giving him a call, in fact, many many folks did during all hours of the night to his family, etc.

We reap what we sow.....
Posted By: Banshee Re: Freelancers - 02/05/12 10:02 PM
It’s a serious problem when you don’t take into consideration a person’s past.....the it’s just a game does not work. Real people with real feelings, common courtesy and respect are important regardless of the venue.

How many times has KGB attempted to work with good players who are shitty people and have it blow up in KGBs face and yet in some attempt to acquire internet rep or prestige you do it again and again.

It’s the quality of the people not twitch skill that enables you to build something some point perhaps someone else will come to understand this.
I guess it does not matter anymore, there seems to be no community, no central guiding force or ideology. Every man/woman for themselves, an endless race to max level, then jump to the newest greatest game, rinse repeat.

We want to build something, be part of something but we all seem to forget that takes time and coordination, more importantly a shared common goal. KGBs greatest strength was you did not have to be a twitch god. A player could be a great crafter or gatherer and play just as important a role…… no more now every game is a race to max level then diminished playing then a new game.

KGB is now a group of old friends who all play different games which is fine I guess it just seems sad and I can’t really express why.

Back to my point…if they screwed you once they will do it again given enough to gain. Someone who can be trusted would never screw a friend even a virtual internet friend for gain….decent people don’t work that way……I know you will say I am dumb, stuff on the internet is not real, it’s all a game.

Hahaha you are wrong….. It matters.
Posted By: Donkleaps Re: Freelancers - 02/05/12 10:08 PM
I don't see his tagging up to go very well.

I don't personally know the guy and all I have heard are stories and read some archive material but something like this I feel is better left to a vote.

Hell, if Romeo genuinely HATES someone that should raise a huge red flag since he is after all the most mellow KGB'r we know.

The state faction system is not a loophole for people that committed asshattery in the past to get a 2nd chance. If the guy genuinely made good with those that he screwed over then it could be a possibilty albeit slim.

Think of it this way. If tox macfacefuck wanted to play PS2 with KGB from what you suggest in this post he would be tagged up and rolling under our tags. That's all I'm going to say because you get the idea and know exactly how that would turn out. (likely with me in jail)

Opportunity cost in this would be...
+1 valen
- SEVERAL KGB players

My 2 cents
Posted By: Drakiis Re: Freelancers - 02/05/12 10:10 PM
well as I said elsewhere, if we were all judged by what we've done in the totality of our lives none of us would ever find redemption, and how else can one redeem himself if he isn't given that chance? Regardless as Tas has said, these people will be judged by my inner circle and watched very closely. I welcome people concerned about this or the community we are hoping to build for PS2 to come to the Planetside 2 meeting I am holding on the 11th and help us build a kick ass faction for the ages. I want to make legends out of our members.
Posted By: Banshee Re: Freelancers - 02/05/12 10:49 PM
Good luck with fame as your guiding principle you will need it.

I just get the feeling you have never really been a leader in life, not a knock on you; everyone has to start some place. It's just a tough role with lots of lessons to learn.

I have seen and argued with Jet not to allow people of questionable history join in an effort to build our combat abilities..... it has always as I recall ended badly. Perhaps this time will be different but I would suggest talking to Jet for a better understanding of what you could face.

How you succeed is as important as succeeding....enough preaching an unwanted sermon the games starting.
Posted By: Vuldan Re: Freelancers - 02/06/12 12:14 AM talk about me...calm down old man, you might stroke out. LOL.

KGB has always been able to take the worst of the worst and in 98% of all cases, turn them into true members, who upheld the values and ideals and performed. Binbs, Michael Redfoot. and on and on and on.

We are not talking about them here, we are talking about people who were true members, trusted and long standing, who had access to the most sensitve of the guild and in a fit of whatever, douche baggery abounded and they did things which hurt us on a wide level, and in most cases a very public one.

You are right Drak, making amends or being allowed to redeem oneself at some point is clearly important. But there are some things that you will never recover from, no matter your level of remorse at your own actions. Nor should you in some cases.

Bottom line, the actions of one become the reputation of all. And as many have heard me say time and time and time again, the actions of the person on the screen directly reflects the human being behind the keyboard.
Posted By: Kaotic Re: Freelancers - 02/06/12 01:52 PM
There is a flaw in your logic Drakiis. While most folks would have a hard time atoning for things they've done 1) There is nothing that guarantees you redemption 2) most people don't get to enjoy redemption from the folks they wronged, they only get to try to make amends through their other interactions. So, trying to guilt folks into seeing your point of view is a pretty weak argument. I don't know this kid, but I've heard stories from several KGBers. Based on their opinion of him I don't like him and I'm sure many others feel the same way. So, now we come to the root of the problem, are you willing to alienate current members from your faction in order to facilitate the addition of a couple of people that very well may turn out to be complete asshats?

Donk's Tox Mcfuckoff analogy is perfect. If you welcomed that douche in, you'd not only lose KGB members from your faction but several would actively fight against you.

So, are a couple of recruits worth all that headache? I wouldn't think so, but its your faction.
Posted By: Drakiis Re: Freelancers - 02/07/12 12:53 AM
Well I won't argue with the wisdom here, however unfounded some of it may be but I will state that my generalizations and fancy talk sometimes confuse and lead people in the wrong direction, perhaps some here are just misunderstanding me.

I think some are viewing this faction or my leadership from a self righteous perspective, and while I believe all have a right to their opinion I am not some wet behind the ears, cushioned, pillow biter. I have served in the Grand Army of the Americas and held many leadership roles in my life and while I do not feel a need to justify my personal abilities much further, I can say there are few as dedicated and determined as myself when it comes to PS2 and the Factions success.

A good leader takes into account all points of view and those who know me or have approached me on the various topics concerning Planetside know I am fair, open to suggestions, and ready to make the best decisions I can using all available information and points of view.

I appreciate the concern, but I don't need anyone to hold my hand, or lecture me on the fine points of what it means to lead, be responsible, and handle issues. This Faction will have it's fair share of issues I am not so naive as to think otherwise.

The real issue is who is going to stand with me, who is going to back it up with action, who will support the honest effort other are making to strengthen KGB and show people that instead of fading in our old age we can still rise to the challenge. Because in the end it's not what I will do or how I will do it because I will do what I can, but what ALL of YOU do for the guild that YOU are a member of and YOU Serve.

Leadership is not whats in question here, however SERVICE to your guild is. If someone wants to serve and they are not even KGB or were KGB at one time and they serve with honor I will reward them for it, however what's that say about those who are KGB and won't or can't commit?

I believe membership shouldn't be taken for granted and I feel people do. You would hold down someone for a past deed, even though he seeks redemption, yet you yourself not even participate as a full member? You see the hypocrisy I am talking about here?

Regarding Valen, he made his intentions clear, that he will not try and join us under any assumed name, and I have not heard any more from him since these initial PMs were send over two months ago. As someone mentioned Krullz and Co, I shall address it by saying that there are indeed things that are too fresh to warrant pardons or opportunities for redemption, but that does not me we should all be so quick to ignore the honest effort to repent when it is made because to do otherwise shows just how selfishly hypocritical people can be.

In closing, like the Army I was born from, I seek warm bodies to throw into the meat grinder of war, but in the end the sacrifices on that golden alter could very well pave the way for KGB's twilight years to be full of fun and excitement. Are you man enough, then lead, follow, or get the fuck out of our way the choice is yours.

There is a flaw in your logic Drakiis. While most folks would have a hard time atoning for things they've done 1) There is nothing that guarantees you redemption 2) most people don't get to enjoy redemption from the folks they wronged, they only get to try to make amends through their other interactions.

I think the flaw is yours, the above defines the very nature of redemption, making amends is a form of redemption as you are trying to right wrongs by whatever means left to you, as you said, there is nothing that guarantees redemption. Thus you have but one option atonement and making amends to the closest aspect of those you offended, or the victim themselves. We cannot praise one douche bag for apologizing on the oracle and then condemn another, what kind of foolishness is that?
Posted By: Tasorin Re: Freelancers - 02/07/12 12:54 AM
Can this thread die already?
Posted By: Drakiis Re: Freelancers - 02/07/12 01:04 AM
your wish is my command oh great and mighty admin of the holy powa
© The KGB Oracle