Originally Posted By: sinij
Congress under Pelosi had about 40% approval, and they lost majority. Republican Congress right now is about as popular as testicular cancer, last I read at about 6%. What do you think going to happen next election? Do I need to draw you a picture?

Someone has been watching John Stewart when he had Pelosi on his show. Great news source by the way!

Anyway, both parties are in deep shit. Neither can comprimise anything and they've got NOTHING done. When this happens, and IF you have a leader in the White House, that person should be A leader and bring the two sides together. It's happened before, it can happen again. Except this time we have no leader in the White House. Of course the democrats are holding out for that socialism trophy and they know whatever they don't like Barry won't like. So Veto is the word of the day. Instead of compromising and being a LEADER. He's worried about what he's going to get out of the deal.

You see they don't give two shits about us normal folk. Yet people keep voting the retards right back into office. You want to see a politician turn white as a ghost, Vote Ron Paul into the white house. They will fucking shit themselves, because they all will then know we mean business. If they don't get it then, well then it's time for some Tar and Feathering! We have got to get our Government back on the right path or we are going to keep losing rights. It's not about right or left it's about RIGHTS! When you lose that, the rest doesn't matter.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 12/21/11 03:54 PM.