I disagree that freedom flag and constitution lose. The will to excel just has not come back around yet because the top people who never worked to get there are a bunch of prancing nancies.

You see, history shows us that sheeple can only govern themselves for so long. Therefore in the cycle of things someone has to step and set things to rights before the cycle comes back around.

Humanity, like nature, needs wildfire to clear out the trash in order to make way for progress. The constitution is infallible. However be that as it may the law mongering in this country has gotten way out of hand.

History shows us that once a nation reaches a xenith point and the game of wealth is over stacked that something must be done to redistribute that wealth. I confess that people who work and earn their way to wealth deserve it but I contend that trust fund baby mega billionaires should be pillaged and that I should get all of their money.

If you don't agree with this then think about what is going on right now. Whether you agree or not we through the global economy are at war with the rest of the world and we are losing on that front.

We had our time during/after WW2 to be the saviors and police of the free world but clearly we need to take a term or 2 and play the world game from an isolationist standpoint. In doing so however we run the serious risk of turning into a police state with dictorial(not sure if that's even a word but i'm going with it) overtones but unfortunately it is needed.

The west has been the democratic powerhouse of the world but with the middle east now changing and moving to a jaded form of democracy it means that the void of all other government will slowly creep back into the west since the cycle demands it.

Mark my words it shall come to pass.

So sayeth the Donk by the never ending prophesizing power of the Jameson.

[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]