After hearing the Presidents speech tonight, he's still doing the same thing. He still blames Bush... even though Obama's spending habits are to blame for the $3+ trillion in the last 2+ years. And Obama claims he's a bipartisan but is everything but that.

He talked about tax reform, let's change that and have a new tax system.
The Fair Tax Act should do the trick. This way, EVERYONE pays the same tax, EVEN illegals! It's not a flat tax on income, it's a tax on what you buy. Now that's REAL change. Instead of the same old bullshit of blaming someone else for your own faults. Something both parties are doing. I'm sick of both sides, they keep playing that old Washington tune. It's time we make them play some different music. We can get the popcorn out and watch them fuck up the system with this debt dealing they are doing. I really wish everyone could agree to be middle of the road. To much liberalism or Conservatism is simply nuts. Lets stay middle of the road without hitting the ditch on either side.