Originally Posted By: Arkh
Originally Posted By: Wolfgang
Originally Posted By: Arkh
1/ I would fuck a good number of hotties, not some chubby.
2/ Reinstate the right to bear arms and protect yourself and your property (yeah, I live in soviet France)
3/ Legalize most drugs
4/ Shit on copyright
5/ All military job should be to protect our country not fuck around. So back home for all soldiers
6/ Institute a flat tax on all revenue. No other kind of tax.
7/ Move our power decision buildings out of Paris.
8/ Shit on all European socialistic things
9/ No subvention for anything
10/ New retirement system
11/ No obligation to use the national social security
12/ Let the police do its job
13/ Redirect 3/4 of the culture budget to the justice's
14/ Remove all the special corporation privileges

It should be a good start.

Arkh, If you were in America saying this someone would brand you with the Tea Party member, call you racist, sexist and about every other "ist" there is. Because we should be taxed 80% so we can give it to some lazy fuckface that can't peel their fatass of the couch long enough to do anything. Except run to the mailbox so they can get their government check. Also getting your perspective is awesome, since you live outside the U.S. it's refreshing to see that not all people have gone mad!

Well I got banned from some french forum when I tried to speak about weapons and how it's better to let people defend themselves. Your 80%... well we're not far in here for what should be the middle class.

Before I see my salary, 49% of it is taxed.
Then I get income taxes, around 9% of what was left. So that's already 52.8% taxed. Add our mighty VAT which should be around 20% (19.6% for everything but food, 70%+ for fuel) and you get around a 60% taxed SOB. That's how the median and mean revenue of retired people is now higher than the one of working ones. Our country has been jacked by the baby boomers : they got laws which protected their job until retirement (creating lot of unemployment), crazy pensions when you learn what they had to pay for it, they added lot of laws on what people can build and where so the housing prices are skyrocketing (and guess who own those houses) and they brainwashed our generation thanks to a lock-on the school system and media to think all this is normal and good for everyone.

Our "right" is far left of your left on the socialism vs liberty scale.

You really hit the nail on the head.