You don't want me to be President.

First, I would enact Martial Law, and suspend the Congress and House. Then in the next 90 days I would completely ratify and nuke every bullshit loophole porkbelly law out there and the tax codes for private and public, then finally I would embargo China and we would trade Food for debt reduction and place a fair and equitable tariff on all imports.

Then I would attack the Banks and Wall Street and remove the shell game going on in World Banking and the speculation that drives common commodities.

After that, I would address the regulation of multi-media to break the Oligopoly present and force competition in the market place and then Nationalize the backbone infrastructure to include the Power Grind, Water Services, Rail Services, Air Traffic Control, and Digital Communication.

Then I would address funding of campaigns to include a complete and total redo of the system. The Federal Government would now provide campaign funding at an equal level to include access to air time and force Candidates into actual "truth in campaign" reforms to include stiff prison sentences for those that break the code and requirements of Constitution for which they swear to uphold.

I would then decentralize our military presence all over the world and force the rest of the world and the UN to police itself in there own matters. I would counter this with a massive spending campaign on over the horizon force projection (See US Naval Fleets) which would allow for a Military presence w/o the massive redundant cost structure of the current 5 Branches of the Service we have now.

Then we would get to the real good part, a two class system. Citizen or Civilian, the decision is yours. Basic human rights and services provided to all, with advanced rights and services to those Civilians who choose to serve the Republic and EARN the right to be called a Citizen of the USA.

Finally, I would abolish the ridiculous drug laws on the books and legalize, regulate, and tax the production of Hemp and Marijuana, to include the release of all inmates serving time for only Marijuana related crimes.

This message brought to you by Tas/Donk, a zombie apocalypse ticket in 2012.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!