Originally Posted By: Banshee
Ahh Icky and I really enjoyed talking to you LOL but bring it if you must. I feel I must warn you that boomers in this part of the country are armed and we wont feel bad for even a second after putting you down.

Some would say its the gen x kids who think they can have it all without having to work for it but who knows. I am almost sure its better to focus on solutions and not who can I blame.

Have a nice day!

LOL smile

Hey I didn't say all of them (or did I?) wink

Seriously tho your statement about GenX (which I think was my generation, I thought, I'll have to confirm) isn't this way. We are just now coming into power, since I'll be 40 next year (I think) but the generations AFTERWARDS are the ones who want everything for no work.

I'm talking about those kids now-a-days who won't work at McDonalds or work on the farms like I did when I was a kid. I was picking tomatoes, bailing hay and everything else around age 11-12 and I've not stopped since.

I found out at an early age I didn't want to do those types of jobs but have had the full gambit of jobs over the years from those tomato picking to meat packing/slaughter to photo journalist (side-bar with the AP in mid 20's). I've really never NOT worked and to see the later generations expecting it all for nothing irritates the shit out of me.

Again, for those boomers it's not everyone and I understand that (alas my father/mother as examples) but you have to admit (I hope) that those few generations around those time frames really stank up the system bad, no? (lol)

I have weapons too! Mind weapons! laugh

Peace my brother Banshee!