Originally Posted By: Tasorin
Originally Posted By: StValentine
Let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did.

Just wow...

Didn't have anything to do with the ideological bullshit the GOP was pushing and tying it to the budget issue? All Obama ever said was he wouldn't sign any bill that had non-budgetary political line ideology attached to it. End of story, nothing to really debate, as those are the facts, like them or not. It was political maneuvering done in a election year, and you seem to have bought it hook, line, and sinker St. Val. Which is your right, believe what you want to believe, say what you want to say, weather I, or anyone else agrees with it.

I like Kaotic, don't really care for the current President, didn't care for the last President, but I served this country as a soldier during a time of war, and it pains me to watch us go down the drain due to the nonsense that permeates our culture today. Common sense is lost on current politics as our society has been boiled down to an economic class war of 1% vs. 99%, and the 1% haves are kicking the living shit out of the 99% have not's because the average American is an ignorant sheeple, waiting for the 1% to tell them what to think, when to think it, and how to repeat it.

I agree that both partys or affiliations were to blame for the budget bill situation. It's Obama thats trying to make political hay out of killing Osama though. I do agree with the statement about the 1% against the 99% but, I don't know that there's a whole lot you or I can do about it except know the truth and be informed should an opportunity present itself to change the satus quo. I myself can not tell a lot of difference between any of the administrations since GB senior. For all the talk about change it sure looks like more of the same to me.
Eliteism is nothing new in this country. It runs all they way back to the founding fathers but, what has saved us from ruin is every once in a great while an honest man slips through the cracks and makes enough changes to keep us afloat. With Big money controlling the media and what we see, hear, and read I truelly don't see that kind of person standing a chance of getting elected. Hell I don't even think he would make the ballot. Just think what would happen in todays political enviroment and mass media if an Abraham Linclon or Andrew Jackson was to run for office.
The only chance we have to make a difference is if the 99% pull together as one. The 1% know this so they use the media and other things to keep us divide and fighting each other. Right wing, left wing, liberal, conservative, black, white, and religious affiliation are things they use to keep us devided so they stay in control.