Its not an election year, and all the GOP was trying to do (and it was really driven by the new "tea party" guys because the GOP cats are all dancing to the same re-election tune as the dems) was CUT the budget. It needs a good trimming but the Dems, not just Obama, wouldn't stand for cuts to any of the programs that get them re-elected.

I don't understand your 1%vs99% argument. The top 10% (that's anyone over $92,000) of wage earners in our country pay 70% of the tax burden. How are they getting one over on the rest of us? The bottom 50ish% don't pay any taxes and over half of them actually get money "back." Which is weird since I don't know of a way to get anything back when I never gave you anything in the first place. Where I'm from we just call that a gift.

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