Although it's great to have Melee skills raised, it's honestly something you should NOT concentrate on until you have your magics up, especially if you're doing this build.

In my opinion, the order you should do this in is ...

From top to bottom

Conversions (Basically LM to 50. Do NOT waste regs leveling up conversion spells, it'll level itself cause you'll use it all the time.)
Witchcraft to 75 for Witche's Brew (Again, don't not level it up, it'll level itself)
Elemental School:

I would suggest ...

Fire -> Impetus (1 Mandrake) or Firebolt (2 Sulfer) to 50 then Fireball - 50 max dmg - (1 Nacre + 1 Sulfer)
Air -> Guiding wind (1 Sulfer) or Ball Lightning (2 Mandrake) to 50 then Lightning Strike - 50 max dmg - (1 Mandrake + 1 Sulfer)

Others, Unknown
Water (No Common Area DMG Spell)
Earth -> Acid Arrow (2 Resin) or Brawn (1 Ash + 1 Resin) to 50 then Corrosive Blast (1 Nacre + 1 Resin)
Necro (No Common Area DMG spell)
Arcnae -> Mystic Shield (1 Mandrake) or Hasten Spells (1 Mandrake + 1 Nacre) or Sacred Missile (2 Ashes) to 60 then Flames of Vengeance (2 Ash + 1 Sulfer)


The reason I would go Fire or Air first before the others is because of the other spells. Fire Ward, Stormblast and Come Hither are active PVP skills. In my opinion, level you're ACTIVE skills first BEFORE you're passive skills. (Like Stone Skin). Also, the common theme these days is cycling Lightning Strike and Fireball. The reason you level you're Damage Area spells, is that they are easier to aim for the new player.

Other people can comment on the effectivness of the other schools. I just see them for their other effects (Utility, Buffs, etc ...) Don't waste you're time on Damage Other spells (the ones where the range is small). The argument that, "You can hit horses running away" is a "nice" thing to have, but only if you have nothing else to level.

1) Concentrate on you're goal. Don't be a newb and level 5 schools at once. Get one elemental school up so you're effective.
2) Don't waste you're time leveling all the spells in the school. Some are fun, but useless.
3) Concentrate on leveling up your Area Damge spells (Like Fireball and Lightning Strike) up first before others, mainly because you'll be using them the most.

Weaponskills - Level this up as you go to mob spawns. Do NOT setup a parrybot as the first thing you do, setup a macro for your school spells. The reason is simple. You do NOT have the hp to compete with EU players. You can always level up your weapon skills as you farm. With the introduction of the disabling blow (the one that disables parry) DON'T parrybot unless you have no money for regs to macro. Same with Archery, level as you farm.

Other NECESSARY Spells - when leveling GM, get Heal other. It's great for crosshealing, and as we get better, should be done on the fly with teammates. Calling out Witch's brew and heal other can get teammates back up to full in no time.

In my opinion, there's no viable support build. Nor is there any viable archer only build. Don't get me wrong, you should level up all the support, buffs and utility spells - but only AFTER you level your main damage spells.

Also, i'm not saying melee is useless - but you ALWAYS level up your range stuff first or else you'll be useless until we get close. Melee will come eventually but without any range, you can't do shit.

In review, my list would be ...

Starter Template (In order of importance)

Converstions (Lesser Magic) - You can use this in heavy armor and should use it ALL THE TIME NOT JUST WHEN YOU ARE LOW.
Damage Spells (Fireball, Lightning Bolt)
Archery (While Farming)
Melee (While Farming) - LeveL your 2 hander before your 1 hander because 1 hander only used for mount fights.

Last edited by Syloc; 12/22/09 06:17 PM.

Former KGB Member