As a noob to the game, I've been confused. Maybe we should create a guide or something. I know I'm not the only noob in the clan, so I am sure I won't be the only one benifiting from a clan guide. In the beginning, I was informed the only effective way to raise attributes rapidly was to farm. So I farmed my way up to the 30s over a few weeks and swam when I could. I can't say I enjoyed myself while farming, but whatever it takes, eh. lol. I've been kicked twice for unattending swimming, so I have a fear now of too much unattended macroing. Recently it seems that farming isn't as fast as I was told and that I can raise stats faster by just clicking on the blood wall. And with a simple macro, I just point and let the macro do my clicking to save on my finger tendons. lol. I break up the monotony by PvE for gold.

No, I am not close to witches brew. I've just now gotten my GM to 50. I'm not sure what I should be doing now. (a guide here would be nice), but I'll be asking in vent tonight, or I'll see the answer in a post or two. Tonight I'll just be swinging my sword on the bloodwall gaining stats and getting mastery and maybe get 40 Strength.

As far as the alliance, I don't care one way or the other. I was just unsure what we were doing. I'll go where KGB goes and play when I can play.

Trust me, I want the shortest route to viability. I'm not too fond of my pussy status. I have to add that as a clan noob I want to help with what our focus is. But my focus is diverted on our priorities because I'm not sure what they are. Skills, city building, keep, island, etc.. Right now I would say SKILLS, SKILL, SKILLS is the message. I'm OK with that. I just have to balance my gaming with my wife aggro. For some reason she wants me to cook dinner and eat it with her while we watch Law and Order. I tell her there is soup in the cupboard and L&O will play without my presence, but she doesn't listen to me.