Don't get me wrong Kay, I do not have ANY problem building up my character. But the majority of our member base DOES NOT macro, invest in their characters all the time, or has a sense of urgency to it all. If all I cared about was myself, I would shut up, becuase i'm close to becoming at level a little pvp viable. I don't need any help or more time.

However, I'm talking about the guild as a whole, becuase you can't pvp alone.

And if it's so damn easy for everyone, how come people keep complaining in vent about money and not being able to level up skills? How come, when in PvE groups, only one or two people have witche's brew? Then die because they don't heal up fast enough?

It's not that they suck, it's that they have one track minds. They want to help the guild so much, they'll stop everything their doing to help the guild. If we're saving for the guild keep, they stop EVERYTHING they are doing and give to the guild. If we're going ton a ship battle, they stop EVERYTHING and stock up for the battle.

If we build a city, they will stop EVERYTHING and put all their money, time and effort into building the city. (mining stone and what not).

You know it's true. Just look at the posts above.

Last edited by Syloc; 12/22/09 12:16 PM.

Former KGB Member