
Re-do the original animated movie with the current generation
of effects and they're on to something

I'm hoping that they work up to that point for part 3. I liked how they placed Spike in the background in the original movie, with Bumblebee on one of cybertron's moons, and shifted the focus over to Spike's son, Daniel, and Hot Rod. Hot Rod had all the great depth of character that Bumblebee had, but only with even more courage and far more talent, sarcasm, and personality to boot (voiced over by Judd Nelson). Also add a touch of Optimism that gave him the spark to take up the Matrix.

I'm hoping that in the second one they add far more backstory to the Transformers and even shift the setting to Cybertron. That would set it up perfect for part 3 being like the original, only on steroids. The only downers would be that Orson Welles couldn't play as Unicron, and Robert Stack couldn't play as Ultra Magnus.

Actually, my favorite version of Ultra Magnus (also my favorite Transformer) was the one in the R.I.D. (Robots in Disguise) series, circa 2000. He was more of a disgruntled badass Veteran Warrior than the aged, un-charismatic version in the original Movie and G1. Heck, the U Mags in RID whooped Prime's ass and another badass - Scourge on different occassions. He was upset that Prime was given the Matrix of Leadership over himself; the two of them were supposedly brothers. However, Prime was more of the "administrative" guy while Magnus was more of the Warrior. Ok, I digressed quite a lot, but man, gotta the Transformers...

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