My friends that have seen said that I will giz over it. I'll be watching it with my brother on his birthday, July 9. For all you original fans out there; "Bah Weap Grana, Weap, Ninibaun?"

I'm skeptical at this point, mainly because I looked over the original script and Bay is directing it - the plot looked like crap, taking it from a Human perspective rather than Transformer perspective (we already know enough about Humans already =P ). I'm hoping Spielberg managed to influence Bay and the script enough to give it more meat.

Is it fast paced action like Van Helsing or Scorpion King, with crappy script/lines/plot where the moment you start to get into the meat of a scene they switch to a new one and ruin the depth (fucking hated those movies cause of that)? Or is it better than other Bay films and actually make you give two shits about the characters and whethey they die or not (like Gladiator or Braveheart - yah bet I'm asking a lot here)?

I remember watching the first Transformers when I was a kid and man, did I feel it when Optimus died and Megatron got morphed into Galvatron by Unicron. The plot in that movie (aside from the cheesy Junkian dance scene) was totally in-depth and badass, with the action supporting the dialogue and plot rather than the other way around...

Plot > Lines/Acting > Action

Do the Transformers get enough dialogue time to understand things from their perspective or is this just another summer popcorn flick?

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