Originally Posted By: Zsane

I'm just hoping I can get my control setup to work as well as I have it in Elite: Dangerous - at least for the flying portion of the game. We play a fair amount of FPS games so we should be good on that front :)

My joystick config was pretty straight forward and works the same for me as Elite:Dangerous, but others (Owain) is having some trouble due to difference in how joysticks track movement.

Currently, the default arrangement for Star Citizen is Y-axis (Left/Right stick) is what I consider "RUDDER" and the Z-Axis (Rotate Left/Right) is "ROLL" - I prefer these two to be switched to match every other flight sim that I have EVER played. I ended up using a program to save my config as an XML file that I can load as need be.

I am certain when they have more time/resources they will put more effort into the joystick configuration - but currently it is rudimentary at best - and any changes you make, can get overwritten when there is an update! DOH!!

The other GREAT news is even now (early ALPHA) - multi keyboard/mouse/joystick support. So any control system you have (rudder pedals/etc) will show up and you can use all interchangeably. So you can use joystick for flying, and then grab your mouse/keyboard for EVA'ing out and FPS combat. That stuff just works!


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers