Originally Posted By: JetStar
I like PMC.

Obviously the GSS is going to be VERY active in this game.

Yes they are.

If you are going to be hunting Players for profit, the best way to do that is to infiltrate the target org so you have an idea about the when and where (by system, by fleet strength) they are doing operations in and what type (value) those operations are and then focus your attacks on those with the highest return value.

This is where the unfinished and defined Person of Interest (PoI) system comes into play. Essentially, the spy would have the Pirates on there PoI and vice-versa. This way they can use the PoI to "zone in" the Pirates to the system instance you are in and then let the dakka dakka commence.

This is also where multiple accounts comes into play as is usual for anyone being serious and successful with digital espionage.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!