Also if you guys wanna know my method to try recruiting some people this is what I do. I ride a circut around the newbie spawns until I find a tangles new person. I heal them a couple times and then send them a private message and say hello in area chat. I then spaz out in front of them jumping all around until they see my message in one of the two areas.

I invite them to the party and we start killing the spawn. I talk to them in party chat for 15-30 minutes. Then if they pass my first series of questions like where and why did u pick up darkfall, did u play df1 and with who, ect I invite them on TS3.

At this point I get to know them a little better and answer any questions they have about the game. I give them Uzis YouTube video series, a darkfall map, and darkfall I talk to them about past games, about what they want to do in darkfall, their age, where they live, what they do.

This is about 30-45 minutes of grouping with them. I usually talk about classes and the general guideline to putting prow early on to get the most out of a new character. Some ask me about KGB at this point, some I ask if they are looking for a clan if no red flags popped up. I've not invite several to TS3 and even wrapped it up on TS3 and bid them a good day if red flags went off like they didn't like application processes or they didn't want to get on TS3.

If they are interested I usually lead with the pizza. Followed up with some history of KGB and the sponsorship recruitment process. Them I talk about blood alliance, not causing a stink in clan alliance to talk with morlander instead, bartender, how to get involved and x up for groups.

At this point I have them complete the prileminary reqs of making a forum account with their exact ingame name, then applying to the guild in game. At this point I go did Mor, Lux, Zhou, Val, or jet and they take care of the admin stuff.

I then take the new people around to the spawns I talked about above and farm a little in each area telling them what good drops here, how to gear themselves, ways to gain prow, and finally bring them back to sanguine and give them a couple bags and mounts as have them join the newbie party that goin in sanguine.

This entire process takes about 2-4 hours and I really think it gives people a leg up ad they will stick around at a much greater percentage.