Crack is illegal, sugar isn't, so there's that. Not that it matters to you liberals, the only thing you know is your own delusional reality. In which it is apparently ok to dump crack into the water supply.

Its a choice dude. How hard is that for you to grasp. I know Burger King burgers are worse then A burger I grilled at home, you know what I was in a hurry tonight and so I made the choice to grab a whopper and fries.

I choose to buy ORIGINAL JELLO pudding and jello, not that gross sugar and/or fat free stuff. Its only bad for you if it is all you eat or drink. To much of anything is bad for you.

STOP TRYING TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT DO FOR/TO/WITH MYSELF. You people are crossing lines, and one day you're going to go to far and there's going to be problems that talking alone won't fix.