Originally Posted By: Kaotic
You do not want to get me started on the USDA and their gestapo tactics to support Big Agra. Cronyism at its worst.

Nail. Head.

Originally Posted By: sinij
Conceptually - government should be in business of informing citizens and punishing any kind of misbehavior in this area. This is regulation, and goes against typical "small government" libertarian views.

USDA is a good example of this concept.

Its not that libertarianism precludes punishment of misbehavior.

The question is what metrics and due process are involved in determining "misbehavior".

If you create a tasty soda, and some people decide to drink a case a day for 40 years (extreme example, talking about concept not the example) - is it your fault for making them sick or their fault for having a retarded diet?

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)