it did have its problems but at the same time the biggest problem imo i had was lack of people to play with which is exactly why i quit.
the combat was fast pased and more exciting than any other mmo i ever played and when it comes down to it combat is exactly why i play these types of games.
the siege leaders could use real life strategy in laying out sieges (knowlegde of the art of war was highly coveted and powerful)
i cant see going to play something that just doesnt feed that need simply cuz it the new thing everyone is trying
and i have yet to see another game with combat of this type.
the elder scroll onine seems like it may have a bit of twitch play but probly not on the same scale

would be awsome to have you there with us wolf
to be honest it would be awsome to have the entire kgb nation but the way the poll has gone it probly going to be a bIt of a struggle again cuz of numbers but honestly if we can make it thru that recruit and get a group of people then in the end it will be worth it cuz i truely think this game was made for kgb to have a pressence in it