Mithus, I have read volumes on nutritional research and human health over the years. Including countless assaults on meat. The problem here is you are taking opinions and studies that in certain conditions show that eating less meat is more healthy, and extrapolating it to mean that if people ate NO meat that they would be even healthier.

If you read the respected nutritional studies you should know that those takes months or years, and some millions of dollars, that's is a reason why Dr. Cambell from Cornell wants a more open debate about the effect of animal protein. As you now know how many doctors are recomending greatly reduce the intake of animal protein, if not recommind not to eat any, 30 years ago you could never imagine that, that a real doctor could recommend that, I hope that it's just the begining of food revolution for betterm because the evidences are big.

I did not accuse you of supporting terrorist acts as you understand them, not sure where you got that. You indicated that you supported govt coming in and ending meat eating, which means you favor ending it via barrel of a gun. As I noted previously, like most leftists... you seem to avoid admitting even to yourself that govt is not righteous, and that govt forcing people to live by your opinion is pure violence. When I point out that you are favoring ending meat by force and violence, I am talking about your support for govt intervention.

So the government intervention on the consume of tobacoo is a violence? Are you kidding uh
The same goes to meat and dairy industries and the uses of cages and crates and hormones, and the case years ago that Oprah got sued about talking on her show about farmers feeding dead cows to cows, and so many diseases related to meat because some farming pratices. What a good picture eh?
I do not agree the goverment spending resources on marijuana, even I would not agree the government forcing people to not kill themselves consuming unhealthy foods. First what is need end first, is those vile pratices on raising cattle, and all subsidies to specific sectors that do not need them. Please quote any sentence that I made saying that I said that the government should end by force meat production. And when I mean government should get involved is about regulating and supervising. Another powerfull too is just not buying, but to do that people would well informed, and that is not the case as I said previously, producers cannot even put this on the packaging saying “Produced without IGF-1” so producers cannot compete trying to offer healthy or cruelty free products. And I'm not missing any point, you cannot just simplify the matter. Health and Economy Enviroment are all related because is relevant.

You know I'm studying law in college, so when you are defending a case, you will bring anything relevant to the table.. at the end the juror will have the decision based on all arguments, and those that I'm bringing are relevant sir! Do you think I will let the assassin go unpunished, of course not. Meat is a killer, is a poison as many doctors are now accepting and not recommending any, and people need to know about that and the government need to be “IN” because Meat industry is a powerhouse.

I used Descartes in an argument previously in a different thread for fun, but as I pointed out in this thread my own actual view on animals is not dependent on, based on, or even really related to Descartes. My own view is much more similar to Nietzsche's view on the Will to Power. I think subsuming human will and desire in favor of non-humans via a false morality creates an untenable social dissonance that will be extremely harmful to humans as a whole. If you become curious enough to want more detail on this, feel free to start a new thread oriented entirely on the philosophical and social ramifications of your views, and leave all the psuedo-scientific health noise out of it.

I will not argue with you about any moral issue, you as clearly has show you do not have any problems eating pig products, even knowing that pigs are not different from dogs that USA love so much, aside the ammount of meat that they can produce.
About psuedo-scientific health noise, if I understood this, even the most lean cuts of meat still have too much fat for consumption that clog arteries and that's why doctors do not recommend it. Autopsy performed on American soldiers in the Vietnam War showed that the veins start to get clogged already the twenty-odd years of life, and when people have a heart attack at 40 and 50 and 60 its just the result of so many years of eating moderate amounts of meat. Any argument that is relevant will be put in the table! We have to build the case with all the moral/health/enviromental/economy evidences.

You wrote"so unless that you are a mutation, you will be fine without meat." Maybe I am a mutation, but in any case you are just wrong wrong and wrong here. I could probably survive without it, but its not very pleasant. Not that I need a lot, but I do in fact need some animal protiens. Some people do just fine on vegan diets, I also have known others who just do not do well on it. People actually do metabolize and synthesize amino acid chains differently.. there is actually a lot of variation in humans regarding how efficiently some of out digestive and processing systems work for various types of foods and situations. A lot of it is based on genetics... people adapted to the types of food their local environs produced. Some quick examples are lactose intolerance, and Celiac disease. People who come from genetic stock that never adapted to milk or wheat are exponentially more likely to have these conditions than people whos ancestors for the past 10k years used them as staple foods.

Please link me any scientific articles about people that cannot synthesize (protein -> amino acids) from plants that cannot be replaced by other plants.. So people that cannot synthesize protein from milk can replace with (soy,rice,cocunut) milk.. the same goes to celiac disease, there are people that cannot synthesize protein from wheat, so they replace with corn,rice,potatoes products that have a different protein(amino acids). You are totally wrong, and again link any scientific article showing that are people that cannot synthesize any plant protein. Are you allergic to bananas, aples, rice, potatoes, wheat, barley, kale, and more a hundred vegetables all together, I do not think so. There are delicious bread and other foods that do not contain any wheat or milk or any animal product, so your argument does not make any sense, you just need know how to make them properly.

I understand the argument regarding prostate etc.. it just is not compelling.

You just cannot argue or denny that a prestigious medical institution through their doctors are saying that we not evolved properly to eat meat.

I have argued plenty against govt subsidies. That and this are different issues, stop confusing issues and chains of relevance. Also, what a Bic Mac costs in other countries is not my concern. Also.. I am not from the South of USA... I actually live pretty close to the *Northern Border*. Now, as far as the USA being first... yes the USA is first... because in the past we followed a morality and policies that allowed us to BE first. We are in the process of losing our position of course, just because we are getting politically dumber and becoming backwards-minded (putting animals before humans is part of that process, and I think a prime reason so many animalists are eager to spread their ethos in the USA that they hate). I think advancing spacefaring tech and expanding the frontier again is the only long-term solution, but thats a different topic.

Again lets debunk this by parts

First it's a connected matter, you will never get me to simplify it to you because it's global problem, it's not only about one matter, that is what you are failing to see.
And when said in the previous topic about that you didnt care about inefficiecy, as the same as you do not care about your Country.. because you do not live alone, and if you do not care you cannot put even your country first, because you are too selfish, what people eats just to give a simple example affects everything that you buy, do you know that a car produced in USA costs $3.000 just to pay health insurance of their employes, and if you have any health care plan, 75% of those costs are for paying dieases of affluence, if you are eating health why do you have to pay extra to cover the costs of other people eating so badly? Do you know that there are some car companies that are paying for those employes be taught to eat healthy, and those courses are given by those doctors that advocate no meat, so they are getting to reduce the health care costs almost by half, because it is reducing the medical procedures.
Rest assured, you do not have to worry about any haters outside USA, you have to worry about people inside USA, I mean if you are afraid of change, you should be afraid of you countryman you have the best activists, philosophers, teachers, bankers, so they will make the change and the world will follow it. By the way USA to me is the best example of country, I see it as an example because people can actually change the system and try to be better. The topic about losing your position is another matter and is enough for you and other KGBers living in USA to discuss not to me. I advocate the detrimental consuption of meat for health/economy and enviroment/moral issues.

Last edited by Mithus; 07/22/12 03:09 PM.

Animal Ethics: "I tremble for my species when I reflect that god is just." Thomas Jefferson.
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