Yes, I would say you are going backwards Mithus.

As to your efficiency/sustainability claim, if it turns out to be true - in the future when it becomes a real issue, the price of meat will rise and the price of plants fall in relative terms and the market will work it out on its own with no twisted morals needed.

As for omnivore and your crude meat argument - I eat sushi and sashimi all the time thanks. So do over a billion people.

As to your health claim... sorry, no history of prostate or breast cancer in my family yet especially on my mom's side - who lived rural appalachian lives - lived off of meat. Because in many areas and conditions your claims about greater efficiency are actually bunk. Your sources highlight what suits their argument, and ignore anything that does not. I recommend doing independent research on the systems involved if you want to try and make a valid case. Also... live expectency overall has risen, and meat eating cultures have the highest life expecencies in the world. In other words, even if what you said was true- people still die around the same age, just maybe of something else.

Regarding cooking meat again... here is another example of one of those big holes in the research of the animalists. First, people also often cook veggies..... bread, corn, potatoes etc... guess what........ ALL TYPICALLY COOKED. Second, cooking in general helps cleanse pathogens whether it is meat or otherwise. Third, look up some of the studies Cornell has done regarding herbs and spices. Some interesting facts - even forgetting pathogens, the toxins inherent in eating cooked meat are actually nuetralized by cooking them with the proper herbs and spices. The reason we evolved a taste for herbs and spices, is in fact because people who eat them get material health benefits, especially when it comes to preparing meat. We evolved a taste for entire categories of flora... *mostly for the purpose of better eating meat*

Now.. as to your quote from Shoepenhauer - completely moot in this case. Communists and Nazis also used the same quote. Luckily, communism and nazism are not now accepted as self-evident.

I think it is worth noting, that trying to take up the rhetorical trappings of true moral crusades like civil rights does *not* make your cause a true moral crusade, or even moral, simply because you try to borrow the lingo.

A rose is still a rose no matter what you call it, and a turd is still a turd even if it is polished and perfumed.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)