Twisted morals are twisted morals, its not an "attack" it just is what it is.

The fact that your idols here can be persuasive makes no case in terms of whether they are just and moral people with a just and moral cause. I can think of many leaders in human history who persuaded masses of humans of many things.... like "lets kill millions of jews and invade our neighbors" or " lets kill 11 million people , and all the bourgouise" .... being able to convince the masses of something does not make you right, but it may make you dangerous - as is the case with these animalists. Even if you personally are not looking to make people comply with your views by force - the same CANNOT be said for the vast majority of your compatriots.

Your recent rebuttal is just more cases of you making exceptions where it suits you. Especially in regards to health... and in any case, I consider the health argument completely seperate from the moral argument. Not that the animalists are right regarding the health argument.. they far overreach in their claims in an attempt to slander meat in general.

I mean seriously.. "affluent countries have more cases of diseases of affluency". Ok... and? Yes, people eat too much - we know this. If Veganism is so great, then Vegans will start outliving other people by substantial numbers of years and people will start to pay attention. It hasnt happened yet, despite Veganism being a staple of popular culture for decades... because the claims are false. Everyone I have ever known who has lived past 90 has *thrived* on meat.

Lots of the spices that people came to love originate in China and India. Trying to turn what I said about evolving love for spices into something racist just means that you are severely uneducated regarding the matter. You are also misguided regarding Chinese diet.

You can believe whatever you want regarding what you think I believe, but my stance against the animalists transcends Descartes view on animals and is not in the least dependent on it. My stance is based on maintaining the primacy and standing of humans in general, for the benefit of humans as a whole. If humans let a false guilt prod us into putting the welfare of non-humans above human welfare while calling it morality, we are doomed as a race.

Last edited by Derid; 07/20/12 07:19 PM.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)