I am finally a member of the elite? lol, hell yea, all bow before me and my pasture raised beef, and chickens, and wild hogs. I am the elite. lol, really, we are all going to die, no one is going to get out of this alive, it is a fore gone conclusion that we all will die. So instead of worring about what I eat, I chose to eat what taste good, if it is a burger with bacon, or a salade then I will.

If you want to live that way, cool, thats your chose. If you want to share what you do or your stance, then hell yea, go for it, I support it all the way. But when you tone starts to imply that every thing is the faught of meat, while ignoreing the massive sugar intake, or that caffine leaches calcuim from the bones, or the hundereds of other stuff we put in our bodies, you deal your stance a blow by making it one sided, while in fact it is influenced by many different things.

Also on tot he subject of the evil meat industry, there are fewer cattle today then there was a decade ago. The reason is not due to more land being turned over to the production of veggies, but in fact the expanded population takeing up more land that once had cattle roaming on it, or grains being planted.

Also as a side note I like to point out that cattle are plant eaters also. The size of a 1200lb cow got to that level from plants. Are you wanting to fatten us up so that when the zombies attack or the aliens land they will have a nice slice of human romp roast that has been raised as lean meat, with out marbeling? :)