Oh boy, where to start. How about some numbers:


So the numbers in there match up, but they also have a few other nuggets. We are too fat, have too many teen pregnancies, too many murders, etc. I'm not sure that a single payer system would solve any of that OR make it cheaper. For counter example please examine other government monopolies like mail, electricity, etc

To be honest, this is all beside the point. The point is that I should be responsible for my own decisions. Health care is not a human right just because some UN commission decided it was! How is it moral to take from me the fruit of my own labor and give it to someone else? That is NOT the social contract, my friend.

In an earlier post, a paranoid fantasy was acted out where I was hypothetically stripped of coverage, lost my job, etc. In this case, I would still get treatment under the current system, I would just be in debt for life with no option to repay- just like Uncle Sam!

Allow me to outline another paranoid fantasy that I fear much more AND feel is more deadly: Sinij's Fantasy Island, one payersystem is enacted. Everyone lines up TSA style at the local clinic for their MRI, chest x-ray, whatever. Upon finding a lump in my neck (or my kid's), I am kicked upstairs for Secondary Evaluation. The lump is diagnosed 1.5 years later as lymphoma, the medical review panel calculates the odds of survival, cost of treatment, and future earnings and decides that it is not worth treating. We are given pain and mood drugs, and referred to a hospice situation. In this scenario, there is one medical provider, and everyone has access to my files. Once a decision has been made, it can be appealed (another few years) but not treated further. I have no options!

I prefer to take my chances with treatment and debt that to have some death panel judging me and mine.

My question is, if Sarah Palin is so dumb, why can she see this and all you hippies can't?

KGB Darkfall