The first problem with your data Sinij, as we've repeatedly shown, is that the U.S. carries the burden for medical discovery and advancement for virtually the entire world.
Cost differential explained.

The second problem is a function of our wealth as a nation. We are the 1% of the world (to put it in classist terms you can identify with), and we're fat and lazy as a consequence. We abuse our bodies to no end and we consume some really horrible stuff in the name of convenience. These are things that most other countries on the planet cannot afford, and that, for the time being, we are free to do. In what fantasy do you believe that you'll be allowed to continue to make poor health choices once the government is responsible for your healthcare?
Life expectancy explained.

Here's what I really cannot understand. If there are countries on this planet who govern like you want, to whom you point as an example and who you place on a socialist pedestal, all while decrying our draconian immigration policies; why not immigrate to one of those countries? Why insist on changing the only country on the planet like ours to be like all the others you hold in such high esteem?

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