Originally Posted By: sinij
"Limited Government" you and your fellow Tea party compatriots are calling for is government without any kind of meaningful regulation or ability to control. You might have libertarian utopia in mind but I guarantee you that something will step into power vacuum and you will likely end up with a form of Corporatism.

We have seen where deregulation leads us - market crash of 2001, market crash of 2008 and destruction of the middle class and we are still not out of the woods. You see, Private Sector cannot be trusted to be socially responsible or even to act in self-interest in a long term. You can thank system of Golden Parachutes, but your beloved Private Sector will kill, rape and pillage to get their bonuses.

If you want to talk about LIMITED GOVERNMENT you need to talk about UNLIMITED CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY and/or END OF CORPORATE PERSONHOOD. Until then more regulation is almost universally better than alternative.

So you don't believe there is any regulation that is bad? If you have regulation that has bite and real consequence, without having to overburden with red tape wouldn't you think that would be more efficient? Or do you just think the more regualtion the better? I'm simply saying, get rid of the inefficient regulation that does nothing. And again, I'm not saying NO regualtion. I know we need regulation, I'm SAYING we need regulation with BITE. Where the consequences will make people be aware of what they are doing. Efficiency is key here, but I see you don't want efficiency. That's the problem with Government now, they are very ineffecient and can't seem to do very good math. If that's what you like... well you've got that now.