Are you fucking kidding me? all this flak about spending and he wants to go out and spend more? How about lets figure out the real problem, instead of throwing fucking money at it. Because the last Stimulus worked SO WELL we need to borrow MORE.

Lets address the EPA and regulations. I've said this before, regulation IS needed. But you do not have to choke busniess with regulation. Have regulation with bite, and use the full authority of that regualtion. It's like having over 15,000 gun laws, yet crmininals still get guns and committ crimes. The only people you hurt in this situation, is the people TRYING TO FUCKING PROTECT THEMSELVES. This is the same problem with regualtion. You have a bunch of them that do nothing except making it more difficult for the business trying to create jobs without having that "hidden tax" called regulation.

Sure fine, lets borrow another fucking $14 trillion and call it wraps on good old America. NEWSFLASH FUCKERS, Government doesn't create jobs needed to get a REAL RECOVERY and stable economy. It's called the PRIVATE SECTOR. America didn't become America because of Government... GODDAMMIT!