We offered to work for free, almost like DFO was an EMU, on some of the simplest of basic tasks to try and free up resources for AV. They have denied every single attempt by quality industry members to help them that have offered there services.

If I wanted to invest my money in a high risk, low chance of success, business deal. I would go to the casino and put all my money on Black. Never once have I said these guys were in a easy spot, or that the tasks ahead of them weren't numerous in issues, and complex, long lead time development cycles due to there current human resource issue.

The point I am making is, Taso's is a fucking ego manic, incapable of accepting any type of input that doesn't agree with his vision and way of doing things. That is almost a direct quote from a Sr. Dev in AV, who has been there for almost 6 years. In addition to that, he (Taso) refuses, almost out of spite it seems some times, to engage those people who are willing to help in ways in which AV needs help, and accept other them direct payment, ie for fucking free.

Longshanks, you have been in the business long enough to have had to deal with someone similar to this. If god himself came down and offered to make every idea Taso's had for DFO come true, work perfectly, and be the greatest game TASO'S had ever invisioned, he would still tell God to get shit on, this is Taso's fucking game, not yours God!

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!