Originally Posted By: Tasorin
Originally Posted By: Squared
Originally Posted By: Tasorin
Notice how travel is still borked by the use of spells like storm blast, begone, and WoF, and while we have been hammering on AV for six and half months now, still no fix.

Other then that, new content is good for the game.

you know tas, the ratio of negative to positive posts are way out of wack. lighten up buddy boy.

We, the Brotherhood of Shadows, have been beating on AV for nearly 8 months now to fix the way in which Begone, StormBlast, and WoF, along with a couple others, can make an individual travel faster on water and land then the fastest moving VEHICLE!

We have even offered many, many, many, coding solutions, and other solutions, to at least address this issue. AV's standpoint has been, "Shut up, its Taso's game, expect to be fucked by AV, and pay us our monthly subscription fee, while we continue to shit on you."

There is no working with AV, no ability for those ego maniac's to be willing to listen to the educated, experienced, and knowledgeable gaming community, that is trying to help AV help itself, and make DFO the sandbox PvP game we all want. When you provide an "STP" write up, and give them a professional pitch, from individuals actively working in the development community, and the response you get 2 months later is, "The mechanics of those spells is working as intended, this subject is considered closed." pretty much makes you want to get on an airplane and go water board Tasos.

I'm game to waterboard someone...when do we leave?

Last edited by Wolfgang; 10/12/10 01:31 PM.