Except your hit box takes a couple seconds to catch up to you because of the sync issue, and conversions don't care about magic encumbrance for scaling how much they convert for, the only thing you get is your fizzle rate. I can almost assure you, a player who can bunny hop, can get a conversion off to health before you can get an arrow or ray spell on them.

With AoE damage from spells almost completely nerfed, your left with having to directly strike a bouncing target, whose hit box is not where it is due to a sync'ing issue with the Z axis. If you want to really confuse the system, using the Z axis in a bounce is probably the best way to thwart incomming fire, other then using a packet sniffer to cause de-syncing issues.

I realize DFO and AV isn't even close to perfect, and they have a veritable Mt. Everest sized issue, with the resources of a colony of ants that number in the 10's. They are not in an easy position, but yet the exasperate this issue by continually refusing to have any type of discussion about how they community who knows development, has a long tenure in MMO gaming, can help AV help itself.

It has been made loud and clear to us, this is Taso's game, if you don't like the game the way it is, tough shit, as long as you keep paying your monthly sub, they give give two shits less. Which is why I, and about 100 or so others have refused to sub to AV until they at least address some of the most basic of issues plaguing DFO.

When they won't even address the basic bullshit, but will spend resources on putting goats and sheep into the game, there is a serious disconnect.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!