Originally Posted By: SabinF
I'm not playing as much as I have been, but is anyone willing to explain this to me?

I have absolutely ZERO qualms with them raiding sandstone as much and as often as they will -- what do we stand to lose? Peace of mind is the best I can offer up, but is that really so much to sacrifice?

We *need* this type of unplanned altercation to get better! The beauty lies in their...newness. It gives us the confidence and consideration necessary to fight outnumbered. In all honesty, it's exciting to me that I get the chance to fight 2v8(or whatever) as it hones my skill.

I don't have anything against NEW either, however if they are a guise for people with good toons that use the tag as an advantage, then I would have a problem with them. And that has happened in the past... I'm not sure about it happening lately though. The whole thing was when NEW raided sandstone, some of our guys went and raided Hammerdale as retribution for them raiding sandstone. And the counsilors of NEW got mad. Raiding is one thing, but raiding it and holding it down is another. And from what info I gather that's what happened. So Pro Bot was getting the members of new to not raid Sandstone in return that we do not raid them. My feelings are that it is NEW... let them raid, we've gotten some players from NEW in KGB before. Let them get some experience so when they go out and find a clan they know what to expect and maybe a clan will be more likely to keep that person and give them a chance. The server population is pretty low, and we don't need to be dicks greifing newer players. That's not how KGB works!