Originally Posted By: Romeo_Montague

"Naked ressing helps, yes, but at the same time those nakeds should be grabbing something to increase their chances of killing the raiders (ie. Bow/Arrows, Garbage Gear Bag, etc.)"

in that line are u saying if we are naked we should run past the a geared dead we should run past them and continue to the bank to grab gear or anything we can to help fight??? cause i can already hear the bytching and complaining about that. i hear it everyday when one geared dies and cries and yells in vent for the naked by them to rezz them and they don't and they get all pissed about it.

but other then that yes i agree if there are geared in the city fighting and u are naked u should go bags in ur bank at all times if u can't afford it ask someone for help we are a clan... we should be helping each other. now granted if ur askin daily for go bags from others then u really need to stop and figure out what ur doing wrong.

there could be ways to draw there attention with one geared maybe even sacrificing himself to draw the enemies away from the bank to allow 2+ of us a window to get to the bank grab a bag and go hide and gear up. possibly even grabs 2 or more bags to hand out to others that might not be able to get to the bank in time. i mean if u don't want to grab go bags for others make some staff/reg bags and grab those for the others. a person with 25 each reg and a staff is a hella lot better then nothing they can then atleast buff those that are fully geared giving them a better chance of success. they can also get to a high point to be eyes and throw debuffs. if not regs and staff a bow and like 50-100 arrows. maybe even put a 2hand rank 4 mob drop in all these bag so if that person is forced into melee combat there not pullin out the starter wep allowing them to do that much more damage.

we need to start puttin our heads together and figure out ways to make our city safer. it won't happen on it's own....