well i'm not a darkfall member but man it soundlike there really afraid of u raiden that u might do something wrong and not follow the king james version of the bible for religious aspects. and if you don't follow it there going to kick you out. so that a tough call personally i don't follow any of the religious portion, but was board and read the whole thang and thought i leave what i thank of the question you are asking:

Should I follow these guys into a new alliance or not?

its really up to you there giveing you a stipulation that i dont aggree on so i propable wouldn't but if i was in your shoes then again 160 people alliance would be a good thing and they should make the same stipulation not just for you but for all 160 alliance memeber inclunding the officer that are joing the alliance as well... then maybe i would join there alliance but if they dont have the same stipulation for every one else then youcan always kick them to the curb....

aka DirtyFingers lvl 17 monk (light), Nakles lvl 16 barbarian tank, Nakle lvl 18 sorce, Sportinwood lvl 19 cleric, NastyMusic lvl 14 bard, Nauthythief lvl 13 rogue & lvl 1 ranger total level 14 and lvl 6 bloodyknives fighter.