At this point if I was AV, I would take the legally binding email from that fucktard superego developer Net, and develop that statement as the basis of my Commercial Law infringement suit.

In addition to this, AV should post the names of every single account that has been banned for hacks and let the community stone the shit out the cheaters. Because one of the things that matters to the people who would use DamnCheaters hacks are people who put a lot of stock in there e-peen ego. Nothing hurts these script kiddies more then to be exposed as a confirmed cheater and remove any digital e-gains they may have reaped from people thinking they could actually play.

Personally, if I were Tasos, fuck it, we are in Greece, there server is in Chicago, we will DNS script macro down the DamnCheaters site, hack there account system and spoof it so no one can purchase the product, and then track the IP's from DamnCheaters back to ForumFall, and proceed to ban the fuck out anything that moves.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!