LOL yea I've been keeping with the threads on ForumFall all day.. What's silly is I had just recalled to Ashatan to mine with my alt and got attacked by some Orc (I'll withold name for now) and he killed the alt and ganked (30 ore, no loss really) and Ictinike recalled to the house in robe and stuff to help.

He attacked and killed me too but while attempting to setup for the gank he just "blinked" away and never got it off. Literally he was there then gone.

I tried to send a "." tell to him so I knew he was still in game so that I might gear up and go back and fight him legit but he's no where to be found for hours now.

Wondering if he was one of them since no one was there and I had good yes on all my backs and he just "showed" up

Fun stuff...