Ah my young patawan!,

To make the best of the role they say to use FP or better everything(bone chest for more of an archery build) the best Qlvl you can afford for enchants on all your pieces(VIT,HP,slashing,piercing, fire, lighning, and feather.
keened cobra staff with eldiritch or whatever(maybe haste)
R50 bow and mellee at a minimal

Also indestructable and mage killer are the way to go imo

now this is like saying for a mage/hybrid to wear scale boots/gloves, FP+ helm and the rest bone with various enchants and R50+ weapons and tons of regs to make thier "build" work its best, but you can certainly kill someone in a robe with 20 of each reg. It just depends on the situation.

Someone that in a robe would be more useful fully geared and the same would be for a heavy armor tank... they would be more useful fully geared.

On a side note lets say I put on some heavy gear and only used melee, bow, and the schools available to a...

destroyer- the ONLY difference)correct me if I am wrong!) between us would be your extra damage when I have staff out and 10HP.

indestructable- the ONLY difference)correct me if I am wrong!) between us would be your extra elemental protections( which I wouldn't be using so absolutly useless and 10HP.

Unless I am gravely mistaken the you don't have any advantage over me yet have locked yourself out of elemental schools where I can still unburdan and cast 4 buffs and cast FB anytime(though weaker and more of a chance to fissle.

not saying they are not useful against mages...just something to think about