Originally Posted By: Nathe
Alright, this has gone to far. SOMETHING needs to be done about HH. We can't just sit here passively forever!

Jet and Co. addressed some of this last night, the point being, do what Morlander is doing. Capture the incident and post or forward the log of things said, and let those emporered to bring your issues to bare, do there job.

Ok, now I am going to take my PC hat off. The fact that they (HH) turned you in for exploiting mobs, and I don't want to hear any of this crap about we don't know if it was them either, is pure and utter crap. If HH won't do anything about this then we should start with in no uncertain terms we will no longer be supporting there defenses in Longmarsh. Secondly, if they continue down this path of pure ass hattery, we will seek to have them removed from (NF), and then I say we turn around and Siege Longmarsh and take it for ourselves and put HH on the farm at will list.

This game is chalked full of shit heel punk motherfucker's, whose only focus is themselves and causing strife and then sitting back and watching people get worked up over it. Personally, I rather live out a NPC or Chaos stone at this point. Fuck them, if their management won't do anything about there loose cannons and the bullshit like letting people back into a clan after you (MC) booted them, then they go out and hunt us, and turn around in a couple weeks time and let said person back into their (MC) clan.

I am suspecting the only reason we are playing nice right now is three fold. 1) We need a place where we can farm money/regs and Andruk is a moderate risk gold mine. 2) Currently the vast portion of our current ranks are in the throes of some stage of character development. 3) If we did leave this Alliance, we would be faced with two options, stand on our own, or re-ally with another core of clans not in (NF).

Those three things are tall order's to overcome in a short duration turn around. Have faith in the mgmt to work your issues.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!