Originally Posted By: Syloc
Dunlop is right about that. Weapon skill, Magic and Archery are all aspects of the game that DOESN'T need to be maxed out in order to be effective in player versus player.

Truth! I've just started, and have been grinding archery, but I only have it to the low 30's. Yesterday, I had just finished crafting a couple hundred arrows when the call went out that gankers were in town attacking macroers by the bank. I pulled out my freshly crafted newbie bow, and jumped into the fight. Within 30 seconds, I had 3 new kills on my list.

Now these were not solo kills, by any stretch, as other more skilled KGB members had already beat them down significantly, but even with my puny skills, I was able to not only contribute to the fight, but also to actually bring 3 people down, freeing up our more experienced fighters to go engage other targets.

Compare that to a game like WoW, where someone who is level 6 trying to hit a level 40 with a bow may as well be shooting spit wads for all the good it does.

This is a great game! My new routine will include keeping a a store of arrows and a new bow on me as I macro magic, and whenever the call goes out for city defense, I'll be there!


To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council