If you cycle basic heal self + stam to health, you can regain health in no time flat.

The least used, and most important tactic, however - is to continualty casting mana to stam, even when your at half stam, so your fights will last longer. Anyone who's seen Ky Ky's video, will notice that he starts using mana to stam VERY early, aka, 3/4th stam bar, so when it gets down to the longer end of the duels, he has tiwce as much stam as other guys who haven't been using mana to stam.

This is why, I think, why it may seem that some players (like the mercs) have infinate stam, when in reality they are just better at stam conservation and quick mana to stam.

If you set up your hotbars right, you can easily switch to your staff, hit mana to stam, then back to your weapon in under 2-3 seconds.


I need to level up stam to health and basic health, but I heard the combination of those, later on, is preety freeking uber. (like Derid said)


To Crim: I do feel you. I was hardcore FPS before and after Shadowbane dwindled down, but at the same time, the stam system the reality of the game. If there wasn't any stam or health conservation, then I wouldn'e be paying a montly fee for this game - because it wouldn't be an mmo it would be a single player game. As much as it may sound bad, keeping your stam and health up via pots and spells are the FIRST thing people should learn, even before actually fighting.

I really wish there was an easier pot timer, I never can count 2 minutes off in my head. Maybe it's time for a macro or something to keep track.

Last edited by Syloc; 04/29/09 01:32 PM.

Former KGB Member