We had this happen yesterday during a fight south against High Tide and Harvesters of Sorrow i won't name names but i might've been wrong on how i handled the issue but i'll take the hit

Were fighting i flank from the far south side when they were still behind the rocks Hare/Dunlop are coming in also and whoever else from the city i come in full meele the guys from HT/HOS are focused directly at the city i came in clean free backshots and dropped 2 pretty quick and i was fighting another who was getting owned and forced to go into parry dunlop came up with me but i told him i had it and grab another target and he did i had the guy i was fighting finally turn and try to run back towards gothics hamlet but i got him with MM's to the back and thats when i watched a member of KGB not the other guilds run up to these gravestones and start looting..... Mind you there is still 6 or so fighting to the west and we have members pushing them to the city once i seen this happen again during the fight i won't lie i killed him also so i'll take the hit i didn't want 2 do it but this is even on the forums and people have been told in vent.

From now on i'm gonna ask nicely not to do it if i see it happen twice by the same guy i might kill him/her shit is kinda stuck in my brain for right now frown

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com]
I Am The Storm.
Represent de KGB
[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com]